August 5, 2008

Well, it's back to work after 4 days off. About as much as I am able to take right now. Friday was a vacation day and the rest was weekend and civic holiday so not a bad deal. Do you find it somewhat difficult to get back into the groove of work, even after only a couple of days off? Me too. It helps to make a task list BEFORE you take to time off so when you get back to it you don't even have to think or remember what you need to do. Just remember where you put your list! Even that…you get the idea.

My buddy Glen and I took all our kids to a conservation area yesterday. I think people perceive men as brave when they take out 5 children, including two very little ones, into the world. It's kind of funny really. We're very good at it and can calmly handle the occasional melt-downs that inevidably occur. It's like when women are out and when asked "Where are your kids?" and they reply that they are with their Dad and the person says "Oh, he's babysitting." Uh, No. He's being a Dad, a parent.

We took them canoeing with 2 canoes and one kayak and it was amazing. They were very quiet when it was required. A few strong strokes of the paddle and we were able to glide silently up to a great blue heron and, later, an egret. There is no comparison between children experiencing nature on TV, in books, or at a zoo, and getting out into the real world. 

August 3, 2008

Welcome to my blog.

Mark Tharme? That's me. There is one other Mark Tharme in the world that I know of that I discovered through search engines. I am guessing he's much younger than me. He plays football (soccer) in England. I was born there in 1960 but I have lived in Canada since I was a kid. I love my country very much and am grateful that my family chose to move here when they did. The lifestyles and opportunities are wonderful here. 

I intend to write about current issues and share my general thoughts with whomever may be interested. But I will level with you right up front…this blog is really for me. A way of purging and recording what will likely contain extremely self-indulgent thoughts and feelings. So if you don't like what you read, if you don't agree with my beliefs, and if you aren't 'entertained' sufficiently by my writing, well, too bad. Move on. So much of my life and time is devoted to other people's needs, by choice and circumstance, that I intend this project to be for me.

Now that I have cleared that up, welcome. 

